Judges in alphabetical order by last name. 按姓氏字母排序

Felipe Bacalso博士
Vice-Director of the Macau Ricci Institute
About Felipe
Dr. Felipe Bacalso is the Vice-Director of the Macau Ricci Institute and graduated from Boston College, Massachusetts, USA with a Ph.D. in sociology. He finished his undergraduate studies at Xavier University, Philippines, with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy. He also studied for a bachelor’s in sacred theology and a master’s in divinity at St. Bellarmino School of Theology in Taiwan. He is fluent in English and Mandarin Chinese, with a background in the secondary and tertiary level of Spanish, as well as Tagalog and Cebuano languages.
He has taught as a full-time assistant professor in the Department of Sociology at Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City, Taiwan. The courses taught in Mandarin Chinese and English included Introduction to Sociology, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Immigration, as well as Introduction to University Life, Philosophy of Life, and Professional Ethics. With an emphasis on the integration of academics and practicum, he organized Service-Learning activities in Taiwan and facilitated volunteerism programs in Cambodia and the Philippines for students from Fu Jen Catholic University and Sun Yat-sen University in Zhuhai, China. Identifying with the youth in society, he has attended youth camps and training in Taiwan and in the Philippines.
Currently, he is teaching Social Doctrine of the Church, Christian Attitudes to War, Peace, and Revolution, Sociology of Religion, Axiology and Ethics, and Theological English in the Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy at the University of St, Joseph (Macau).
關於 Felipe
Felipe Bacalso 博士是澳門利氏學社副社長,畢業於美國馬薩諸塞州波士頓學院,獲得社會學博士學位。他在菲律賓薩維爾大學完成本科課程並獲得哲學學士學位,並且在台灣輔仁聖博敏神學院修讀神學學士和神學碩士課程。他能夠流利地使用英語和普通話,並有西班牙語、他加祿語和宿霧語的背景知識。
Assistant Professor, Department of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College
Coordinator of City Nature Challenge (Macau SAR)
About Danny
Dr. Danny Leong was born in Macau, China. He holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Entomology from National Taiwan University, and a PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Hong Kong.
He has published 29 research papers, 20 of which are in SCI-indexed journals, and holds 1 invention patent. Leong also serves as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Macau and is active in academic activities related to Macau’s environmental policies and conservation management.
Leong is a consultant for the Macau Environmental Protection Industry Association and the Society of Food and Environmental Health (Macao), and serves on the editorial boards of several journals. As the principal investigator or co-researcher, he has completed 5 biodiversity and ecology projects.
Leong has received several honors, including the 2021 National Geographic Emerging Explorer Award (out of 15 awardees in the world), the 2021 Guangdong Provincial Animal and Plant Protection Award, and the 2018 National Popular Science Competition Excellence Award.
關於 Danny

Executive Vice President of Macau Professional Speaking Association
Organizing Committee Chair of the Macao-Wide English Essay Competition
About Sandy
Ms. Sandy Leong is a public speaking enthusiast and sustainability advocate. She graduated from the University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business with a Bachelor of Commerce and had a formal academic exchange at Tsinghua University.
Ms. Leong is the Executive Vice President of the Macau Professional Speaking Association and the Organizing Committee Chair of the Macao-Wide English Essay Competition – the first English writing competition centered around the United Nations’ 17 SDGs in Macau. Besides, she conducts sustainability-based introduction workshops to schools and teachers in Macau.
關於 Sandy
Wildlife photographer
About João
João Monteiro is a wildlife photographer with a vast collection of bird’s and wildlife pictures taken in Macao including resident and migratory birds and Macao’s city landscapes.
In 2014 with the high sponsorship of the Casa de Portugal em Macau and the Portuguese General Consulate in Macao and Hong Kong, materialized an individual photo exhibition about the birds in Macao.
Participated in several collective photo exhibitions and was published in several magazines and newspapers.
Lately provided photos to the University of St. Joseph exhibition about the Macao mangroves and their wildlife, and made a photo solo exhibition about the Island of Mozambique and its people sponsored by Mozambique Friends’ Association during the 23rd Festival da Lusofonia.
關於 João
João Monteiro是一位野生動物攝影師,他在澳門拍攝了一系列鳥類和野生動物照片,包括常駐和遷徙鳥類,以及澳門的各樣城市風景。
João Monteiro參加了多次集體攝影展覽,並在多家雜誌和報紙上發表作品。 最近,他為澳門聖若瑟大學關於澳門紅樹林及其野生動物的展覽提供了照片,並在第二十三屆葡韻嘉年華期間,獲得了莫桑比克之友協會的贊助,舉辦了一場關於莫桑比克島及其人民的個人攝影展。

Chairperson of Society of Food & Environmental Health (Macao)
About Ruby
Over 15 years experiences in leadership roles in complex organisations, set up quality system and facilitate change management tailored to regional contexts to organisation; created numbers of sustainability pioneer-projects and breakthrough for the sectors and Macao. An industrial leading professional who regularly share best practices and experiences in international seminars and conferences including low carbon green initiatives, circular economy, and UN SDGs topics. Currently serve as Assistant Vice President of Sustainability & Business Synergy of a listed company where she promotes the integration of environmental sound and socially responsible practices into the operations, to allow the company to contribute solutions to climate change and deliver on carbon targets commitments.
Ruby is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health UK (FCIEH), appointed Environmental Advisory Committee Member of Macau SAR, member of the expert committees for the “Bay Area Standards” by the Guangdong Institute of Standardisation (GDIS), Chairperson of Environmental Committee of BritCham Macao. She holds a Global MBA from the University of Manchester, UK, and a qualification in Change Leadership for Sustainability from Stanford University, US. Ruby was invited trainer of the IFTM-UN World Tourism Organisation (WTO) on green gastronomy subject, guest speaker for Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) on inspiration and experiences on sustainability programs.
關於 Ruby
柯學明具超過十五年在跨國企業擔任體系建立及帶動具區域特性的變革項目管理角色, 帶領多個企業獲得國際性的認證及獎項殊榮, 為業界及澳門在可持續發展領域上創造多項 新基準及特破。作為行業領先人士,經常參與國際性主題會議並擔任主講、評審等嘉賓,推 廣綠色低碳、循環經濟理念及聯合國可持續發展目標等議題的行業應用及實踐,現職上市公 司可持續發展及整合助理副總裁, 負責推動、整合和落實有關環保方面的技術和專案, 協 調企業應對氣候變化和兌現碳目標等承諾。 柯學明為英國特許環境衛生研究院院士 FCIEH,澳門特別行政區環境咨詢委員會委員, 粵港澳大灣區標準化研究中心「灣區標準」審評會專家委員, 澳門英國商會環境委員會主席, 英國曼徹斯特大學環球工商管理碩士畢業及美國斯坦福大學可持續發展變革領導力資力。曾 獲邀為 IFTM-聯合國世界旅遊組織 UNWTO 可持續美食主題培訓師, 亞太旅遊協會 PATA 提 供啟發可持續發展項目和經驗分享嘉賓。
Only for the Judges.