MICSRGC is holding the “All for 17, 17 for All – 2024 Macau SDGs Photography Activity” from June to October 2024. The aim of this activity is to capture the efforts and achievements of Macau in attaining the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the camera lens of local students, showcasing their awareness of sustainable development and the spirit of social responsibility.
- Promote the implementation and development of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Macau.
- Encourage the public, especially students, to pay greater attention to sustainability topics in Macau.
- Showcase Macau’s current sustainable development and social responsibility achievements.
- Elevate social understanding and mutual support for sustainable development through students’ photographic works.
Exhibition of Works
Outstanding photographic works will be exhibited in our themed exhibition between 09 – 17 November at the Centro de Cultural e Artes Performativas Cardeal Newman de Macau and at various public venues in Macau.
Awards for Participation
- Each student who completes the registration and submission of photographic work(s) will receive a Certificate of Participation from our Institute.
- Our institute will also award a Certificate of Participation to each school whose student(s) has/have completed the registration for participating in this Activity, as a commendation for the school’s support towards Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Macau.
Our institute will invite the students with outstanding photographic work(s) selected for exhibition and the representatives from the affiliated schools, to attend the launching ceremony of our Institute’s photo exhibition.
澳門企業社會責任大中華學會將於 2024年6月至10月期間舉辦「澳門 SDGs 攝影活動」,旨在讓澳門學生透過鏡頭捕捉澳門在實現聯合國可持續發展目標 (SDGs) 方面的努力和成果,展現澳門在不同領域實踐的社會責任和可持續發展精神。
- 推廣聯合國可持續發展目標 (SDGs) 在澳門的推行和發展。
- 鼓勵學生與公眾關注澳門的可持續發展議題。
- 展現澳門在不同領域的社會責任和可持續發展成就。
- 透過學生的攝影作品,促進社會對可持續發展的了解和支持。
- 每名完成報名及提交作品的參加者將獲得由本學會頒發的參與證書。
- 本學會亦將頒發參與證書予有學生完成報名參加本活動的學校,以表彰學校對澳門可持續發展教育活動的支持。