Innovative & Sustainable Finance & ESG

Forum Synopsis
The world is facing immense challenges toward sustainability in many aspects due to climate change and environmental threats. Policy-makers and the private sectors have been working on new ways of conducting businesses to support a more enabling and sustainable global economy. Sustainable finance is a top priority in the arena of rapidly evolving regulatory frameworks and markets. Apart from familiar topics such as carbon trading and green bonds, developing other innovative approaches to sustainable finance is necessary to cater for the environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) needs of business activities today.
While humanity progresses through industrial and economic undertakings, the importance of our Mother Nature cannot be ignored. More and more nature-related finance and reporting topics have evolved in the recent years. Biodiversity and extinction accounting, and TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosure) are some examples which can be developed into new forms of sustainable financial instruments.
This forum is dedicated to exploring the pivotal role of innovative sustainable financing methods and new concepts to create an enabling investment environment in line with global sustainability development.
The forum features two prominent keynote speakers, namely Jill Atkins, a world-renowned finance and accounting professor from Cardiff University who has been publishing widely in the sustainability area and advocating the extinction accounting framework; and Martina Macpherson, Head of ESG Product Strategy and Management at SIX (the Swiss and Spanish Stock Exchanges Group) and advisor to a number of high-level organizations in the UK and Europe. Jill and Martina will also be accompanied by a panel of distinguished industry practitioners and academics from Macau to engage in an insightful discussion which touches on the latest topics in sustainable finance and ESG.
The forum will attract anyone who is concerned with the sustainable development of our planet, especially those who are interested in learning how financing can be used as a means to achieve the Triple Bottom Line, that is to say, to attain a state of balance among People, Planet, and Profit.
Speakers 演講嘉賓
Ms. Martina Macpherson

- Head of ESG Product Strategy & Management, SIX Group SIX 集團:ESG 產品策略與管理部門負責人
- Chair of the Board, Future of Sustainable Data Alliance (FoSDA) 可持續數據未來聯盟 (FoSDA):董事會主席
- Co-Chair, ESG Regulations Working Group, TISA UK TISA 英國:ESG 規範工作組共同主席
- Advisory Group Member, APPG on ESG, Houses of Parliament, UK 英國國會:ESG 跨黨派小組顧問成員
- Advisory Group Member, Sustainability Regulations, EU Law Institute 歐盟法學院:可持續發展規範顧問小組成員
- Advisory Board Member, Eastern European Sustainable Investment Forum, EU 東歐可持續投資論壇:顧問委員會成員
- Advisory Board Member, SG Analytics, Global Technology Company SG Analytics:全球科技公司的顧問委員會成員
- Visiting Fellow, Henley Business School, UK, and University of Zurich, CH 亨利商學院 (Henley Business School) 和 蘇黎世大學 (University of Zurich):訪問研究員
她是FoSDA(可持續數據的領導機構)董事會的創始成員,該機構是ESG數據、評級和產品行業的主要代言人。她曾參與多個主要行業協會和倡議,現在擔任金融科技公司SG Analytics的顧問委員會成員,並是英國國會ESG跨黨派小組(APPG)的成員。她還共同主持英國TISA(資產管理機構)的可持續發展規範工作小組,並是歐洲法學院可持續發展/規範顧問小組的創始成員。
在SIX履任之前,她曾擔任ODDO BHF資產管理公司的ESG策略負責人,穆迪公司的ESG與參與策略高級副總裁,標普道瓊斯指數的全球ESG指數產品和研究負責人,以及Sustainable Investments Partners Ltd.的董事總經理和MSCI的ESG解決方案副總裁。在她的職業生涯早期,她在Insight Investment、F&C AM和德意志銀行擔任產品、研究和商業職位。
Martina擁有ICSA的非執行董事(NED)董事會治理證書、英國倫敦商業與金融學院的金融和商業MBA證書,以及德國法蘭克福大學的法律與人文科學碩士學位。她是英國企業責任與可持續發展研究所(ICRS)的會士成員、英國認證風險管理專業人員協會(ICRMP)的榮譽博士研究員,也是德國國家學術基金會(“Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes”)的校友。她目前在卡迪夫大學攻讀商業、金融和會計的兼職博士學位。
Martina是一位可持續投資的學術講師、作家和公共演講者,並共同撰寫了一系列ESG和金融科技書籍,包括 “The AI Book”(Wiley,2020)、“Handbook on Biodiversity – Species Extinction Accounting and Biodiversity”(Routledge,2022)、“ESG in Portfolio Analysis” 教科書(RiskBooks,2022)以及首部 “Handbook on Sustainability Regulatory Reporting and Accounting”(Edward Elgar Publishing,2024)。她目前正在編寫 “Handbook of Climate Finance and Transition Management”(Routledge,2025或以後)。 因其在可持續金融和全球ESG領導方面的工作,Martina於2024年獲得全球思想者論壇(Athena 40 Awards)提名為「全球可持續發展大使」,並於2022年被世界金融論壇(WFF)授予「金融界50位女性」稱號。在SIX,她在2022、2023和2024年獲得了與金融和可持續發展相關的(產品)策略獎(由Finance Magnates頒發)和倡議獎(由A Team Insight頒發)。
Prof. Jill Atkins

- Professor in Accounting at Cardiff Business School 英國卡迪夫商學院的會計學教授
- Founding director of the Environmental, Ecological and Extinction Accounting Governance and Economics Research (EEEAGER) Group at Cardiff University 英國卡迪夫大學環境、生態滅絕核算、治理與經濟研究中心(EEEAGER)的創始人
Jill Atkins教授是英國卡迪夫商學院的會計學教授,同時也是南非威特沃特斯蘭德大學的訪問教授。她的研究重點包括公司治理、負責任投資、可持續發展會計與問責制,以及滅絕會計。她是de Gruyter公司治理研究系列的系列編輯,負責該系列的手稿委託與編輯。Atkins教授撰寫和編輯了The Business of Bees: An Integrated Approach to Bee Decline and Corporate Responsibility,該著作源於一項長期項目,調查會計和負責任投資在保護生物多樣性中的作用。她還撰寫和編輯了‘Around the World in 80 Species: Exploring the Business Case for Extinction Prevention’(該著作於2019年由Routledge出版社發行),以及‘Extinction Governance, Accounting and Finance’。她的主要教科書Corporate Governance and Accountability目前已發行第5版。她最新的書籍項目於2024年1月出版,聚焦於「保護農業供應鏈中的自然資本與生物多樣性」。Atkins教授的學歷包括在南特大學獲得一級榮譽歐洲經濟學文學士學位及經濟學學位,德罕大學的企業與國際金融碩士學位,以及曼徹斯特大學的金融博士學位。Atkins教授在ESG投資行業和治理領域廣受讚譽,作為思想領袖,經常受邀在國際的從業者和學術活動中就可持續發展會計、金融和治理發表主題演講。她是英國卡迪夫大學環境、生態滅絕核算、治理與經濟研究中心(EEEAGER)的創始人。
Other Panelists 討論嘉賓
Panelists in alphabetical order by Surname

Biography Prof. Morris liu
Prof. Liu is currently Head and Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Information Management, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau. He has published research papers in accounting, auditing, capital market studies, corporate governance and corporate social responsibilities and received best paper awards in international conferences. Prof. Liu has taught a variety of courses in accounting and finance for undergraduate, postgraduate and executive programs. Besides teaching and research in academia, Prof. Liu has worked for the auditing industry and government think tanks.
Biography Prof. Carlos Noronha
Prof. Carlos Noronha is an Associate Professor of Accounting at the University of Macau and a Founder of the Macau Institute for Corporate Social Responsibility in Greater China (MICSRGC). He is also an Editor of the Social Responsibility Journal and sits on and contributes to the boards of a number of academic journals including Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, Asian Business and Management, Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy, and others. As an academic, he has published in the areas of accounting, taxation, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and sustainability in the forms of journal articles, books, and book chapters.
Prof. Noronha’s research interests include CSR disclosure and sustainability in various forms of organizations and corporations, as well as related topics in social accounting and philosophical inquiries into matters that could cause a profound impact on humanity (Phenomenon Grande).
As an advocate as well as a challenger of the influences of social and environmental activities of businesses and organizations on societies, Prof. Noronha works with a dedicated team of academics as well as practitioners who are devoted to and profess the same value that CSR creates the core value of long-term business sustainability.
Carlos Noronha教授
Carlos Noronha教授是澳門大學的會計學副教授,同時也是澳門企業社會責任大中華學會(MICSRGC)的創始人。他還擔任《社會責任期刊》的編輯,並參與多部學術期刊的編輯委員會,包括《可持續發展會計、管理與政策期刊》、《亞洲商業與管理期刊》、《會計、倫理與公共政策期刊》等。作為一名學者,他在會計、稅務、企業社會責任(CSR)和可持續發展等領域發表了多篇期刊文章、書籍和書籍章節。
Noronha教授的研究興趣包括各類組織和公司的企業社會責任(CSR)披露與可持續發展,以及與社會會計相關的主題和可能對人類產生深遠影響的問題的哲學探究(Phenomenon Grande)。 作為企業和組織的社會及環境活動對社會影響的倡導者和挑戰者,Noronha教授與一支專注的學術團隊和從業者合作,他們共同致力於推動相同的價值觀,即企業社會責任(CSR)是長期商業可持續發展的核心價值。
Biography Mr. Pedro Theotónio
Mr. Pedro Theotónio is the Head of Financial Control and Corporate Development, including Sustainability at BNU. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and is an accredited Certified Public Accountant. Mr. Theotónio has been residing in Macau for over 17 years and has gained extensive experience in finance. More recently, he has been instrumental in integrating BNU’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy to support Macau’s transition towards a carbon-neutral society.
Pedro Theotónio先生
Pedro Theotónio先生是澳門大西洋銀行的財務控制和企業發展部門負責人,負責包括可持續發展在內的相關工作。他擁有工商管理學士學位,並且是一名註冊會計師。Theotónio先生在澳門居住已超過17年,積累了豐富的金融經驗。最近,他在整合澳門大西洋銀行的環境、社會和治理(ESG)策略方面發揮了重要作用,以支持澳門向碳中和社會的轉型。
Our Event Partners 我們的活動合作夥伴
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Supporting Unit 支持夥伴
EEEAGER at Cardiff University
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Macau Association of Chinese Accountants

Macau Business

Macau Daily Times

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